T.M.A.S. - FTP Account Creation

Learn how to quickly and easily create a T.M.A.S. FTP account.

Table of Contents


    This article instructs customers on how to create an FTP account in T.M.A.S., which can be used to :

    1. Import data into T.M.A.S.
    2. Export data from T.M.A.S.


    1. From the chain level, Expand Administration
    2. Select Manage Locations
    3. Select Import / Export Data / P.O.S. Integration
    4. Select Add
    5. Click Create new Storetraffic FTP Account
    6. Input the E-mail address for the user account
    7. Click Add
    - User will receive an e-mail from noreply@smssoftware.net with the password. 
    - This account will then be selectable in the StoreTrafficFTP* dropdown.

    E-mail NOT received!

    Contact SMS StoretrafficTechsupport@storetraffic.com 




    Logging into FTP

    Login to the following URL with your credentials : files.smssoftware.net


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