Data Export report - Daily Interval - does NOT show weather for last day in date range

What does it mean and how to resolve

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    When generating a data export report with a daily interval and the weather column checked the row will appear as ---- for the last day in the range of dates. Even though the weather API is working for the location as weather is showing in the hourly interval selection and on the dashboard for the location.


    • Report type is Data Export
    • Daily interval is selected.
    • Location address is still correct in manage locations.
    • Weather API is working for dashboard.
    • Only last day of the range shows ----- for weather

    Expected Result

    If day in the past, weather closest to noon-3pm should appear.  If current day, then last recorded weather should appear.

    Actual Result 

    Weather shows as ----- for last day in the generated report date range.


    Generate a data export report adding an additional day to the end of the date range than needed.  If end is current day, generate the report the next day using that day as end of range or consult that day only by hour to determine the weather.

    Resolution / Fix

    This will be corrected, fixed in a future release of T.M.A.S.

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